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Proud to be a Play 60 Super School!
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             Play 60 Pledge? 
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What is a Toe Token?

At the end of each PE class, Mr. O will choose one "star student" to win the Toe Token award.  A star student is someone who shows perfect character traits, like Responsibility, Teamwork, and Respect.  Most students like to collect them and put them on their shoe laces, while others simply find a string and make a necklace or bracelet out of them.  Who will win the most Toe Tokens by the end of the school year?!

Play 60 Super School
What is T.R. Physical Education?

A lot has changed since the days of "rolling the ball out" and playing dodgeball in the gym.  Here at TR, our PE program supports the physical, intellectual, and social-emotional  development of students.  Our curriculum is based on motor, manipulative, psycho-social, and cognitive skills to enable students to participate successfully in and enjoy physical activities for a lifetime. 


Studies have shown that healthy students are better learners.  Not only does Increasing our students' physical activity positively affect overweight and obesity, skeletal health, self-esteem, and psychological well being, it can directly result in better academic performance.


Students participating in T.R. PE are part of a team!  I strive to help our young learners develop a sense of belongingness, empathy, and leadership, and encourage them to give their all to help their team accomplish their goals.  

Do You GoNoodle?

​​Many of our classroom teachers are utilizing GoNoodle to help give their students some much needed "brain breaks".  What a fun way to take a break from the challenging demands of their academic coursework, de-stress, recharge their minds, and help accomplish our goal of 60 minutes of daily exercize!  It also makes a for a fun and interactive activity for rainy days at home.  Click on the link below to get started at home!
​Buffalo Bills Schedule
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